Tuesday 11 October 2011

Buy your Private Gold with bitcoin. Accept no substitute.

I found a post on another blog called "Ten reasons you should own private gold"
and I think number 5 is where bitcoin comes into the picture.

5. US Gold Coins are completely private, easy to carry and 100%
Liquid. They trade without Government reporting requirements or
interference. You can’t say that for paper instruments like, Dollars, Stocks and Bonds, or 401k’s.

Do you think Bernard Von Nothaus would agree ? Or anyone who had their gold seized over the past years which the US government is prone to do ?

If you are buying coins or physical metals what you buy them with can have just as much impact on your privacy as anything else. For instance using a credit card your bank will have all the records. That's where bitcoin comes in to give you extra control over your financial privacy.

If you look at the bitcoin physical metals market it looks a bit like yahoo geocities before they closed it down. Recently though a site opened that offers a shining example of a bitcoin site done right. Coinabul lets you buy physical metals with bitcoin. It makes a lot of sense if you dont like leaving a cash trail behind to buy gold with bitcoin. You never know when another Roosevelt will come along with an Executive Order 6102

I want my gold safely in my hands without the complications associated with a bank transfer. turning digital gold into physical gold is another reason.

Friday 9 September 2011

The bitcoin price is being DDOSED !!

Down it goes and where it stops nobody knows.

posted an article about German hackers sending letters of demand to sites telling them they pay bitcoin or else.

One wonders if they will also send a letter to the bitcoin network asking for bitcoins to stop the massive dumping on the market. Maybe it is a robin hood event where someone is stealing from rich bitcoiners and distributing to the poor.

Or someone just found satoshi's wallet.dat after it washed out to sea after the japanese tsunami.



-42 coin per block
-4.2% inflation lol
- 4.2 minute blocks
- retargets every 42 minutes

This currency would be started by a man named Deep Thought.

Sunday 28 August 2011


This *coin uses proof of work (someone had to hand make it) to create wearable currency!

Well if you can wear a dress to the oscars made out of credit cards you can wear knitcoins - dont leave home without them.


I like to introduce the edible coin "Bacoin". In one fell swoop coinspiracy has solved the hoarding problem that plagues other currencies.

Saturday 27 August 2011

The Coinz part 1

Radioactive Coin


Hey guys! Hey guys! I got one!

New digital super-currency. Everyone who downloads the RadioActive Coin client gets precisely 1 RadioActive Coin (this is OK, though, because it's divisible to 398 billion digits). The only exception is me, who gets 10,000 RadioActive coins. Each coin has a half-life code built into it that's proportional to the total number of RadioActive Coins. If 1 and only 1 person has a coin, there's a 10 minute half-life. If 2 people and only 2 people have a coin, there's a 20 minute half-life. 3; 30-minute, 4; 40-minute, etc. The RadioActive Coins decay randomly according to the current half-life rate. My 10,000 coins have no half-life rate cause I'm the ingenious mofo who created this.

Know what happens if it's your coin that happens to decay? Your computer explodes and you die. You fucking die.

For your sake, Better hope this catches on quick!!!!

Bitcoiners reactions

This is not the "Stupid Jokes" Forum.