Thursday, 18 August 2011


Altcoin-the alternative cryptocurrency?

- The currently will have constant inflation: there is no total limit for the maximum coins existing, rather, they're generated as long as there are people mining
-> this will encourage people to spend their coins rather than holding them back
-> there will be no significant advantages for early-adopters (although it will still be easier to mine coins in the beginning, due to lower difficulty)
-> the problem "do people still mine after they don't get any block rewards, but rather only tx fees" doesn't exist
-> the inflation rate will slowly decrease, as the proportion of the coins generated will become smaller and smaller compared to existing coins: as bitcoins will have more and more deflation on the time axis, altcoins will have less and less inflation...
-> I personally think that inflation > deflation.
-> coins lost (there will be lots of as the time goes by) will not be that significant problem as there is a constant supply of new ones

- Six AltCoins will be generated every six minutes, that is 60 Altcoins per hour or 1 440 per day or 43 200 per month or 518 400 each year.
-> block generation is faster than on Bitcoin, transactions will be processed faster

- Launch date will be set far in advance
-> 11.11.2011 or 11/11/11, pick your poison!
-> This will give enough time for advertising this fork, which makes more widespread adoption much more likely, than if it started as an inside-thingy with handful of people mining majority of the coins themselves

- Absolutely no coins will be mined before the official launch
-> Bounties will be paid via bitcoins / namecoins / altcoins / USD / euros donated to the project

This one even has a pretty chart...

Bitcoiners reaction
As there will be no early adopters, so there will be no adopters.

How do you think Satoshi would feel to know your were forking his blockchain behind his back?


Leave the forking blockchain alone already!!!

You know you've done something right when people start copying your work.

I'm not sure about this inflation thing.

The government will love it. OP is probably a shill. Selling inflation. Socialist.

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