Saturday, 27 August 2011

Radioactive Coin

Hey guys! Hey guys! I got one!

New digital super-currency. Everyone who downloads the RadioActive Coin client gets precisely 1 RadioActive Coin (this is OK, though, because it's divisible to 398 billion digits). The only exception is me, who gets 10,000 RadioActive coins. Each coin has a half-life code built into it that's proportional to the total number of RadioActive Coins. If 1 and only 1 person has a coin, there's a 10 minute half-life. If 2 people and only 2 people have a coin, there's a 20 minute half-life. 3; 30-minute, 4; 40-minute, etc. The RadioActive Coins decay randomly according to the current half-life rate. My 10,000 coins have no half-life rate cause I'm the ingenious mofo who created this.

Know what happens if it's your coin that happens to decay? Your computer explodes and you die. You fucking die.

For your sake, Better hope this catches on quick!!!!

Bitcoiners reactions

This is not the "Stupid Jokes" Forum.

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